Charles de PicciottoArchitekt BDA

Jewish Educational Center, Hamburg

In recent years, the existing building at Rothenbaumchaussee 19 has been carefully renovated and redesigned for the Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Education Center. Its future multifaceted use as a synagogue, kosher restaurant, and retail space will enrich Jewish life in Hamburg. In addition to serving as a rabbinical seminary, the Torah room and library will provide resources for the Jewish community in Hamburg to practice their faith in everyday life.

  • Team:

    Charles de Picciotto: Jonas Unger, Inga Heder; Freidrich Zimpel; Sona Kazemi

  • Client:

    Chabad Lubawitsch Hamburg e.V.

  • Scope of services:

    LP 1 to 8 HOAI

  • GFA:

    1,892 sqm

  • Completion:

    2017 through 2025

  • Photos:

    Klaus Frahm, Börnsen